Thursday, January 28, 2010


This is a short dialogue fragment that I did for class. It amused me and maybe it will amuse you.


Fletcher: Well boys, we have come to a crossroads.

Thomas: Does it really have to come to this?

Fletcher: I don’t know Thomas does the captain run this ship like the devil or an angel? Does he have our best wishes in mind or only his own? Does he strike when there is no need, curse when only a whisper is needed? You tell me.

John: Yeah Thomas. Are you really going to defend him? Because we will send you out on the launch with him. I hear the monsters of the deep are especially active this time of year.

Thomas: I was just making sure that this is what we really want. That we know exactly what this is.

John: Mutiny.

Fletcher: Yes, mutiny. Now Lazarus go and take hold of the weapons locker (Lazarus exits). The rest of you lets go wake the captain.

Mrs Wilson: What are you doing! Please don’t do this horrid thing. There is no need for such rashness.

Fletcher: Who let her out?

Thomas: Beats me.

Fletcher: (To Thomas) You idiot. You did this.

John: Listen to what the lady has to say.

Fletcher: What difference does it make if Captain Wilson’s wife is gentle and kind. Doesn’t change the monster she lies with.

Mrs Wilson: (Quivering) There will be no repercussions if you just lay down you weapons now. Go back to you posts and all will be well. I won’t even tell the captain.

Fletcher: Maybe if he knew how close he was before this, he might have lightened up.

Thomas: He was no harsher than any other captain.

Fletcher: You stay out of this.

John: Lazarus with the weapons. (Takes one and hands one to Fletcher)

Thomas: Please Fletcher don’t. There is no bounty in this.

Fletcher: Shut up. My mind is set, I can do nothing but.

(Mrs Wilson cries from above. The mutineers rush the cabin. Shots ring out.

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